Thursday, March 8, 2007

Ahhhh Spring Break

Last day before spring break! Well next week is spring break and I can't wait to sleep in on Tue and Thur and I have off work Friday and Sunday so it should be nice. I am ready for some stress free days. Last night my dog, Cesar, who if you look at the early posts have his pics(b/c I couldnt just upload for some reason,prob me I hate the computer and am not very good at this blog stuff, I am anti-myspace!!!) Anyway Ces decided to knock off the candy dish and eat almost a pound of milk chocolate this week....He didn't get sick at all! Vet said milk chocolate while it isnt GOOD for dogs is not nearly as toxic as baking chocolate... Well here is another blog and Im out of thoughts and off to English class


Foot Loose said...

Hey, I hear ya about needing a break and look forward to some stress free days during Spring Break! I'm replying, though, because your story about Cesar made me laugh at the crazy things our pets do! (GLAD he didn't get sick.) Our cat decided one day to jump up on the counter and get into a box of danishes that was for a community get together....that cat ate the cream cheese and jam out of like 30 pastries!!! What makes animals do those things, I don't know, but ya gotta love 'em!

Matthew Jolly said...

Our dog Buster (the Boston Terrier that recently passed) ate a box of thin-mints once. Bostons are notoriously gassy, but he was especially bad during the days that followed. I'm glad Cesar was OK.